Review and Summary of "The Law of Success" By Napoleon Hill

Insights and inspiration from The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill
The law of success summary

Introduction to The Law of Success

Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success" introduces a philosophy of personal achievement and wealth creation through a series of powerful principles. This work lays the groundwork for understanding how individuals can harness their own abilities to achieve success. Hill points up the importance of goal setting and the cultivation of a success-oriented mindset. Key topics include:

  • Defining Success: Understanding what success means personally.
  • Mastering Personal Initiative: Taking proactive steps towards goals.
  • Developing Self-Confidence: Building belief in one’s abilities.
  • Learning from Failure: Viewing setbacks as learning opportunities.
  • Influence of a Positive Mental Attitude: Maintaining an optimistic outlook.

These themes provide the foundation for Hill’s comprehensive success formula.

Who is Napoleon Hill?

Napoleon Hill was an American self-help author, best known for his book "Think and Grow Rich." He was born on October 26, 1883, in Wise County, Virginia. Hill is considered a pioneer in the field of personal development and success literature.

  • Early Life:
    • Born into a modest family
    • Faced early challenges
  • Career Milestones:
    • Worked as a journalist
    • Interviewed influential business leaders
  • Major Works:
    • "Think and Grow Rich" (1937)
    • "The Law of Success" (1928)

Hill's work has inspired millions and laid the foundation for modern motivational writing. He passed away on November 8, 1970.

The Historical Context of The Law of Success

Napoleon Hill wrote "The Law of Success" during the early 20th century, a time marked by significant social and economic changes. The Industrial Revolution had transformed business and work culture.

Main influences during this period:

  • Industrial Expansion: Rapid growth in manufacturing and industry.
  • Economic Shifts: Changing from agriculture to industrial economy.
  • Cultural Evolution: Emergence of the self-help movement.

Hill was inspired by Andrew Carnegie, a leading industrialist, to interview successful individuals. His work coincided with the rise of personal development literature which addressed the era's demand for prosperity and self-improvement.

Overview of the 16 Principles of Success

Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success" outlines foundational principles designed to achieve personal and professional success:

  • Definiteness of Purpose: Having a clear goal.
  • Mastermind Alliance: Partnering with like-minded individuals.
  • A Positive Mental Attitude: Cultivating optimism.
  • Applied Faith: Belief in oneself and objectives.
  • Going the Extra Mile: Exceeding expectations.
  • Pleasing Personality: Developing charm and charisma.
  • Personal Initiative: Taking action independently.
  • Imagination: Cultivating creative vision.
  • Enthusiasm: Demonstrating passion.
  • Self-Discipline: Exercising self-control.
  • Accurate Thinking: Evaluating situations rationally.
  • Controlled Attention: Focusing on tasks.
  • Teamwork: Collaborating effectively.
  • Adversity and Defeat: Learning from failures.
  • Creative Vision: Seeking innovative solutions.
  • Maintenance of Sound Health: Prioritizing physical wellness.

Definiteness of Purpose

Definiteness of purpose is a critical principle stressed by Napoleon Hill. It involves having a clear, specific aim in life. This focus channelizes efforts and resources effectively.

  • Setting a major goal.
  • Avoiding aimlessness by establishing clear objectives.
  • Aligning all actions towards the achievement of this primary aim.

A clear purpose motivates individuals to overcome obstacles and align resources more effectively. Without a clear purpose, effort becomes scattered and inefficient. Commitment to a well-defined goal is essential for achieving success. Hill underscores that definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.

Mastermind Alliance

Napoleon Hill stresses the significance of forming a mastermind alliance. This collaborative partnership involves:

  • Combining Brain Powers: Two or more minds working together can achieve much more than individually, leveraging the synergy of collective thinking.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Diverse perspectives within the group foster innovation and problem-solving.
  • Accountability: Members hold each other accountable, ensuring commitment to mutual goals.
  • Resource Sharing: Access to various skills, knowledge, and resources aids in achieving objectives efficiently.

This alliance is fundamental for success, as it transforms individual action into a coordinated force, amplifying potential and effectiveness.

A Positive Mental Attitude

Napoleon Hill advocates cultivating a positive mental attitude as a critical element for success. He makes the following points:

  • Mindset Transformation: Individuals should shift from negative to positive thought patterns.
  • Optimism: Embracing optimism enables overcoming obstacles and sustaining motivation.
  • Self-belief: To be confident in abilities.
  • Gratitude: Focusing on gratitude helps maintain a positive outlook.
  • Problem-solving: A positive mindset enhances creative solutions and effective problem resolution.
  • Affirmations: Regular use of positive affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind.

By internalizing these principles, individuals can harness the power of a positive mental attitude to achieve lasting success.

Going the Extra Mile

The importance of going the extra mile is a principle for achieving success. It involves:

  • Providing excellent service without expecting immediate rewards.
  • Delivering more than what is asked or required.
  • Developing a reputation for reliability and dedication.
  • Building goodwill and strong relationships through consistent effort.

Hill posits that such actions naturally attract opportunities and build momentum. By consistently exceeding expectations, individuals distinguish themselves, leading to long-term benefits. This mindset fosters a proactive approach, inspiring others and creating a ripple effect in personal and professional environments. The principle aligns with the broader philosophy of personal growth.

Personal Initiative and Leadership

Napoleon Hill underscores the significance of personal initiative and leadership in achieving success. Personal initiative means the readiness to act proactively without waiting for instructions from others. Key elements include:

  • Self-Starting: Taking the first step without external prompting.
  • Vision: Envisioning goals and devising strategic plans to achieve them.
  • Responsibility: Being accountable for actions and decisions.
  • Persistence: Overcoming obstacles with determination.

Leadership comprises the ability to inspire and direct a team. Essential leadership traits involve:

  • Integrity: Upholding strong moral principles.
  • Decision-Making: Making timely and effective decisions.
  • Communication: Conveying ideas clearly and persuasively.

Creative Vision

Creative vision is pivotal according to Hill. It enables individuals to convert thoughts and ideas into tangible reality. By fostering imagination, a person can foresee opportunities that others may overlook. Napoleon Hill emphasizes the importance of nurturing this vision through:

  • Imagination:

    • Engaging in creative thinking to spark innovative ideas.
    • Visualizing success vividly and frequently.
  • Burning Desire:

    • Developing a strong, intrinsic motivation to achieve set goals.
    • Using passion to drive continuous effort and productivity.
  • Focused Goal-setting:

    • Defining clear, actionable goals.
    • Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals based on progress and feedback.

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

Pleasing Personality

A pleasing personality plays a pivotal role in achieving success, as it aids in winning the favor and cooperation of others. Key elements include:

  • Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive outlook influences interactions.
  • Genuineness: Authenticity fosters trust and respect.
  • Good Manners: Courtesy and politeness open doors.
  • Healthy Appearance: Presenting oneself professionally creates favorable impressions.
  • Effective Communication: Clear and concise language enhances understanding.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility in varying situations demonstrates resilience.
  • Empathy: Understanding and considering others' feelings builds strong relationships.

"Your personality is your greatest asset or greatest liability, for it embraces everything you control...your mind, your body, and your soul."

By nurturing these aspects, one cultivates a magnetic and influential persona.

Accurate Thinking

Accurate thinking involves separating facts from mere information. Napoleon Hill explains that successful individuals differentiate between critical facts and irrelevant data. Accurate thinkers:

  • Analyze facts objectively
  • Avoid making decisions based on assumptions or emotions
  • Recognize the importance of context

Understand these two types of facts:

  1. Important Facts: Directly impact outcomes.
  2. Unimportant Facts: Have negligible influence.

Practicing accurate thinking means questioning the source of information and its relevance. This approach prevents biases and promotes sound judgment. Hill stresses the necessity for a disciplined mind to filter through and prioritize facts appropriately, ensuring well-informed decisions.


Napoleon Hill emphasizes that concentration is vital for achieving success. He explains that an individual must focus their efforts and thoughts on a single, clearly defined goal. Concentration helps maintain clarity and prevents distractions. Key points include:

  • Focus on Specific Goals: Allocate all mental resources to one main objective.
  • Avoid Distractions: Identify and eliminate factors diverting attention.
  • Mental Discipline: Train the mind to stay on track.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Organize duties based on their importance towards achieving the goal.
  • Persistence: Maintain unwavering commitment regardless of challenges faced.

Hill asserts that concentration acts as a channel, directing energy efficiently toward success.

Lesson on Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is crucial for achieving success. It involves:

  1. Control of Emotions: Emotions impact decision-making. Recognizing and managing emotions ensures rational choices.
  2. Maintaining Focus: Staying on task, avoiding distractions, and prioritizing goals lead to consistent progress.
  3. Habit Formation: Developing positive habits creates a foundation for continued success. Breaking negative habits is essential.
  4. Responsibility: Holding oneself accountable and taking ownership of actions fosters trust and reliability.
  5. Perseverance: Overcoming obstacles requires resilience and determination to remain committed to objectives.

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." - Jim Rohn

Effective Time Management

Effective time management is a must and it has be learned. Napoleon Hill emphasizes that individuals must prioritize their tasks and allocate their time efficiently to reach their goals. Key principles include:

  1. Prioritization: Focus on high-impact tasks over less critical activities.
  2. Planning: Create daily schedules to stay organized.
  3. Delegation: Assign tasks to others when possible to free up time for essential duties.
  4. Avoiding Procrastination: Tackle tasks promptly to prevent last-minute rushes.
  5. Setting Deadlines: Establish timelines for task completion.
  6. Reviewing Progress: Regularly assess achievements to stay on track.

Hill suggests that mastering time management can significantly enhance productivity and success.

Creating Harmony in Relationships

Creating harmony in relationships is essential for success. It requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to understand different perspectives. To cultivate harmony:

  • Establish Clear Communication: Ensure that all parties are heard and understood.
  • Show Respect: Honor each other's opinions and feelings.
  • Empathy: Try to step into the other person's shoes to comprehend their point of view.
  • Conflict Resolution: Approach disagreements calmly and seek mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Support: Encourage and uplift each other through challenges and successes.


"Harmony in relationships is the foundation upon which lasting success is built."

Maintaining a Sound Physical Health

Napoleon Hill highlights the critical role that physical health plays in achieving success.

  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in daily physical activities such as walking, jogging, or strength training promotes vitality and stamina.
  • Balanced Diet: Consuming a variety of nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins supports overall health.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensuring 7-8 hours of restful sleep aids in mental clarity and energy levels.
  • Routine Medical Check-ups: Regular health screenings help in early detection and prevention of potential illnesses.
  • Stress Management: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or yoga helps reduce stress and maintains mental well-being.

Maintaining these habits contributes to optimal performance and success.

Budgeting for Success

Napoleon Hill draw attention to the importance of disciplined budgeting as a pathway to financial success. He recommends a systematic approach to manage income and expenditures.

  • Income Management:

    • Allocate a percentage of income to savings.
    • Prioritize investments to generate passive income.
  • Expenditure Control:

    • Avoid unnecessary expenses.
    • Create a detailed monthly budget.

Hill advocates for individuals to maintain a constant awareness of their financial status.

"A practical budget is key to controlling your finances," he insists.

He stresses that regular financial reviews are necessary to adjust the budget as needed, ensuring alignment with long-term goals.

Handling Adversity and Defeat

Hill emphasizes the importance of embracing adversity. Viewing setbacks as learning experiences ensures personal and professional growth. He identifies the following key principles:

  • Persistence: Successful individuals persist despite obstacles.
  • Attitude: A positive outlook transforms defeat into advantage.
  • Flexibility: Adapting to unforeseen challenges fosters resilience.
  • Self-Reflection: Understanding one’s mistakes paves the way for improvement.
  • Support Systems: Relying on mentors and peers offers strength in tough times.

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” - Napoleon Hill

These tenets underscore the pathway to success by transforming adversity.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success" encapsulates key principles for achieving success.

  • Definite Chief Aim: Central to focus and drive.
  • Self-Confidence: Foundation of all dreams.
  • Habit of Saving: Financial discipline.
  • Initiative and Leadership: Essential for direction.
  • Imagination: Catalyst for innovation.
  • Enthusiasm: Fuels ambition.
  • Self-Control: Mastery over emotions.
  • Concentration: Sharpening focus.

The integration of these principles form a cohesive approach towards success. The timeless wisdom in his work remains relevant for personal and professional development.

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